Logan Simmons
Logan Simmons is a Software Engineer at Grand Vision Gaming and a graduate from The University of Utah with a Bachelors of Science in Computer Science. In his free time, Logan develops video games using Unreal Engine 5 and C++.
'R' To Replay
Replay is a low-poly puzzle game with a twist! The ability to replay time Back to The Future style allows you to complete complex puzzles and challenges.
Multiplayer horror game being developed in Unreal Engine 5. This project brings together everything that I have learned over the years of game development in Unreal Engine.
Tavern Crawl
A 3D action adventure game starring Fish, a young countryside mouse. This game is currently being built with a team of 41 other students as a senior capstone project with the University of Utah's EAE program.
Procedural Animation
Uses inverse kinematics partnered with a foot placement algorithm to procedurally animate the locomotion of a spider. System used in Tavern Crawl game.
Physical Animation
Use of physical animation/ragdoll system to build (WIP) Chaser! Chaser! - A 3D physics based puzzle game
Freeway Racers! (WIP)
2.5 D open world racing game. Designed to use large open worlds with modular grid based tiles and basic vehicle AI.
Crazy Train! - Single Player Action Game
2D game designed and built by Logan using the Unreal game engine.
Pulsar Guitars
High end guitars designed with a fusion of unique materials and luxurious feel. Team lead by Logan Simmons.
Acid Knockout - Action Game
2D game programmed by Logan built in team of 6 in the University of Utah EAE program using the Unreal game engine.
CNC Machine Programming
Learned the skill of programming g-code using Autodesk Fusion 360. Specialize in programming large 3-axis parts in a HAAS VF-5.
Aluminum Anodizing
Built station to chemically treat 6061 machined aluminum billet to add color and strength to the outer surface.
DIY Electric Skateboard
Skateboard converted to be motor driven with custom machined parts.
(Provided video produced by friend who worked on project with me)
Mechanical Hand
Built a (mostly) functional mechanical hand out of popsicle sticks, kite string and an old motorbike glove.